The Emperor Nero died today in 68 CE, by suicide, while
fleeing from conspirators. He could not bring himself to perform the act, and
ordered a servant to handle the knife. Nero, beyond any reasonable doubt,
truly was "the Beast 666" of the Book of Revelation, as referred to in
That code is gematria, a kabbalistic study in which words are understood for their
numeric value (in Hebrew, the letters of the alphabet double as numbers). The Hebrew transliteration nrwn qsr, or NERON CAESAR, adds
to 666 (note that Hebrew also contains no vowels). The second "N" in NERON is an acceptable but unnecessary part of the styling, and this lends further solidity to the case that Nero was "the Beast" - since early, variant texts of Revelation also gave 616 as the number of
the beast (the letter "nun" in Hebrew gematria is also the number 50).
No Roman sources mention Jesus or Christianity in any way until around
115 CE. But around that time (115 CE), Tacitus' Histories stated that Nero had
blamed Christians for the great fire in Rome in 64. Although it's
believed Nero may have had the fire set himself to make room for an
extension of his palace, it was Christians who were tortured and
executed as punishment for the destruction. Thus, as the first Roman
Emperor known to persecute Christians, Nero made his way into the
allegorically coded anti-Roman tract known as the Revelation of John of Patmos.
--In 1994, John Hinkle predicted on the Trinity Broadcasting
Network that a shattering cataclysm, perhaps a tsunami, would originate
in the Pacific Ocean on this date.
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