On this date in 1918, the week-long Battle of Megiddo began between the British and Ottomans, helping usher the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the close of the Great War. (This location was also the site of an Egyptian/Canaanite battle in the 15th century BCE, and will soon be where Armageddon is fought as well.)
The British commander in the fight was General Edmund Allenvy. Allenvy, while stationed in and around Jerusalem at the war's end, wrote in his memoirs about meeting an American woman named Mrs. Spofford. Mrs. Spofford related to him how she had brought a group of believers with her to the holy land from the United States in 1881 - 37 years before - to witness Jesus' return to Earth in a "flaming golden chariot". Though the trip appeared to have been unsuccessful vis a vis the Second Coming, Mrs. Spofford had remained in Jerusalem. Allenvy did not record what became of her followers.