
November 24: "A Thief in the Night" (1972)

Filming on a shoestring budget in Iowa, Donald W. Thompson (writer/director) and Russell S. Doughton (writer/producer) released "A Thief in the Night" in 1972. The independent film, screened mainly at churches, was the first to explore the end-times scenario of the Rapture and Tribulation. The filmmakers estimate it has been viewed by 300 million people.

Three sequels were produced between 1978 and 1983, and Doughton went on to produce at least another dozen evangelical films. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins cited the "Thief" films as a direct inspiration for their "Left Behind" series, appearing 23 years later.

In fact, the title "Left Behind" draws on this 1969 song, which appeared in "Thief", and became an early Christian-music hit.