
May 14: Formation of Israel - Monte Judah's Tribulation Timeline

On May 14, 1948, the Jewish People's Council declared the formation of the state of Israel. The original failure of New Testament prophecy - "Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." (Matthew 16:28) - has been interpreted by many contemporary Christian evangelicals to mean the Second Coming will, for some reason, occur instead within a 40-year generation of Jerusalem's reclamation by the Jews.

In 1978, Colin Deal published Will Christ Return by 1988? 101 Reasons Why. Like Hal Lindsey and others, Deal principally argued that Jesus would return to earth in 1988 because Israel had been formed 40 years before.


Monte Judah is a Baptist preacher who has embraced kabbalah, declared himself a Hebrew, and formed Lion and Lamb ministries in Oklahoma. He predicted that the world would end on May 14, 1997. Though this prophecy failed, Judah maintains a Tribulation Timeline on his website which is no longer attached to a specific date.