
November 1: Day of the Dead, and Day of Wrath

Today, in addition to being the Day of the Dead, was the date in 1265 when Thomas of Celano died. This Franciscan monk authored the "Dies Irae", or Day of Wrath, a poem on Judgment Day which was later adopted as a Gregorian chant and incorporated into the Roman Requiem Mass.

The "Dies Irae" melody has made a number of noteworthy cameos in classical music, including in the work of Berlioz ("Symphonie Fantastique") and Liszt ("Totentanz"). A more modern appearance was in the opening titles of the horror film The Shining:

On a lighter note, November 1 also saw the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, killing as many as 100,000 people - but inspiring Voltaire's rollicking paen to pessimism Candide.

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