Throughout 2012, on most days, a short item was posted here detailing a failed apocalyptic prediction or eschatological mania of the past.
12/31/3797 is the last day of the world according to Nostradamus: so it seems safe to pin an index to the top of the blog with that date.
Next to every index entry below are links to the dates in 2012 when the topic in question was discussed. Happy browsing!
12/31/3797 is the last day of the world according to Nostradamus: so it seems safe to pin an index to the top of the blog with that date.
Next to every index entry below are links to the dates in 2012 when the topic in question was discussed. Happy browsing!
1260, significance of in the Book of Daniel - 6/26/2012
1335, significance of in the Book of Daniel - 6/26/2012
144,000 as a number in Revelation - 8/17/2012
1980s: Countdown to Armageddon (Book - see Lindsey, Hal) - 3/23/2012
1999 (Song - See Prince) - 9/24/2012
2012 (Film) - 11/13/2012
5600 (Hebrew year), Apocalypse theories concerning - 8/31/2012, 9/28/2012
666 (Novel. See Kirban, Salem) - 7/17/2012
666, meaning of - 6/9/2012
700 Club, The (Television program) - 3/22/2012
88 Reasons Why the Rapture will be in 1988 (Book) - 9/11/2012
9/11 Terrorist Attacks - 9/11/2012
99942 Apophis (Asteroid) - 6/19/2012
Back to top
Abdallah, Bashir Muhammad (Apocalyptic theorist) - 4/19/2012
Abomination of Desolation, The - 6/26/2012
Abu 'Isa (Messianic claimant) - 4/10/2012
Accomplishment of the Scriupture Prophecies (Book) - 3/25/2012
Acts of the Apostles (Book) - 1/6/2012
Ademar de Charbannes (French monk) - 4/26/2012
Adso of Montier-en-Der - 4/16/2012
Adventist movement - 10/22/2012
Africanus, Sextus Julius (3rd-century historian) - 2/23/2012
Against Heresies (Book) - 6/28/2012
Agee, Marilyn (prophet) - 5/21/2012
Alaric (Vandal king) - 1/25/2012
Aldersmith, Dr. H. (British "Israelite") - 8/20/2012
Aleppo Earthquake of 1138 - 10/11/2012
Alexander VI (Pope. See Borgias) - 5/24/2012
Allenvy, Gen. Edmund - 9/19/2012
Almoravid Dynasty, The (Morocco) - 5/10/2012
Alroy, David (12-century messianic claimant) - 5/12/2012
Alta, Eelco (18th-century vicar) - 5/8/2012
Alvarez, Luis and Walter (Geologists) - 6/6/2012
American Theocracy (Book: see Phillips, Kevin) - 7/31/2012
Amillenialism (apocalyptic doctrine) - 2/29/2012
Anabaptism - 5/27/2012a, 12/6/2012
Angley, Ernest (Evangelist) - 8/9/2012
Anthroposphy - 3/30/2012
Antichrist Superstar (Album: See Manson, Marilyn) - 10/8/2012
Antichrist, concept of - 2/29/2012, 6/24/2012
Antichrist, The - 12/25/2011, 1/20/2012, 4/16/2012, 6/1/2012, 6/28/2012, 7/24/2012, 7/6/2012, 8/2/2012, 8/7/2012, 10/19/2012, 10/4/2012, 10/8/2012, 11/11/2012, 11/14/2012, 11/17/2012, 11/28/2012, 11/2/2012, 11/8/2012, 12/13/2012, 12/2/2012
Antisemitic League of France, The - 10/12/2012
Apocalypse of Baruch, The (Book) - 2/9/2012
Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius (Book) - 7/9/2012
Apocalypses (Book) - 12/3/2012
Aqsa Mosque, al - 1/3/2012
Aqua vitae (alcohol) - 6/13/2012
Arafat, Yassir - 9/13/2012, 2/24/2012
Arc, Joan of - 5/30/2012
Are You Ready? (Song) - 8/16/2012
Aretius, Benedictus (Swiss theologian) - 6/26/2012
Arguelles, Jose - 8/17/2012
Armageddon (Film) - 5/8/2012
Armies of Heaven: The First Crusade and the Quest for Apocalypse (Book) - 10/18/2012
Armstrong, Garner Ted (see Armstrong, Herbert) - 1/7/2012
Armstrong, Herbert (minister, Worldwide Church of God) - 1/7/2012
Aryan Nations - 11/29/2012
Asahara, Shoko (Cult leader - see Aum Shinrikyo) - 3/20/2012
Ask, Mirhan (Pastor) - 4/23/2012
Askari, Hasan al- (Shia Imam) - 1/1/2012
Assemblies of God, The (see Pentacostalism) - 5/13/2012
Assembly of Yahweh - 5/25/2012
Athrogenes (Second-temple period messianic claimant) - 3/13/2012
Atilla the Hun - 7/19/2012
Atlantis, continent of - 12/22/2011
Atlantis, continent of - 1/3/2012
Augustine, St. - 7/19/2012, 8/28/2012, 2/29/2012
Aum Shinrikyo (Cult) - 3/20/2012
Aum Shinrikyo (Japanese religious movement) - 6/23/2012
Ayyub, Sa'id (apocalyptic writer) - 8/2/2012
Aztecs, mistaken for Maya - 7/8/2012
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Babylonian Capitivity, The - 3/16/2012
Babylonian Empire, The - 6/26/2012
Baha'i Religion - 8/10/2012
Bailey, Alice (Theosophist) - 12/15/2012
Balfour Declaration, The - 11/2/2012
Bar Kochba Rebellion, The - 4/3/2012
Barbour, Nelson H. (Apocalyptic preacher) - 8/30/2012
Bateman, Mary (19th-century magic-chicken owner) - 3/20/2012
Battle Hymn of the Republic, The (apocalyptic song) - 7/4/2012
Baxter, Michael Paget (Apocalyptic preacher) - 9/20/2012
Beast 666, The - 1/25/2012, 1/30/2012, 2/25/2012, 3/30/2012, 3/4/2012, 4/29/2012, 4/8/2012, 6/9/2012, 7/14/2012, 7/19/2012, 8/19/2012, 10/8/2012, 11/26/2012, 12/2/2012
Beast, mark of the - 8/19/2012
Beatus of Liebana (8th-century apocalypticist) - 2/19/2012, 4/6/2012
Bede, The Venerable (English monk and historian) - 5/26/2012
Bedward, James (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/10/2012
Bell, Dupont (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/10/2012
Bell, George (18th-century English apocalypticist) - 2/28/2012
Benedict XI (Pope) - 6/10/2012
Benedict, Kennette (Executive Director, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists) - 6/1/2012
Berg, David (Moses, Religious leader) - 12/5/2012
Berlioz, Hector (Composer) - 11/1/2012
Beyond the Fringe (Comedy troupe) - 12/10/2012
Bhagavad Gita, The - 7/16/2012
bi-Amr Allah, Al Hakim (Fatimid Caliph) - 10/18/2012
Bible Code, The (book) - 5/28/2012
Bible of Liberty, The (Book) - 5/31/2012
Bible Prophecy Corner - 5/21/2012
Bicheno, James Ebenezer (19th-century English apocalypticist) - 2/25/2012
Bingen, St. Hildegard von - 9/17/2012
Black Holes as location of hell - 9/2/2012
Black Thursday stock market crash of 1929 - 10/24/2012
Blackstone, William Eugene (19th-century Christian Zionist) - 3/5/2012
Blake, William (Poet) - 9/1/2012
Blood, rain of - 1/31/2012
Bockelson, Jan (see Leiden, Jan van) - 1/22/2012
Boehme, Jakob (Theosophist) - 11/17/2012
Boneta, Na Prous (Nun) - 4/17/2012
Bonfire of the Vanities - 5/24/2012
Boniface VIII (Pope) - 6/10/2012
Book of Enoch, The (Book) - 12/14/2012
Book of Figures (Book) - 3/30/2012
Book of Mormon, The (Book) - 6/27/2012
Book of the Law, The (Book) - 4/8/2012
Boone, Pat (Musician) - 12/20/2012
Booth, Joseph (Baptist minister) - 2/3/2012
Borgias, The - 5/24/2012
Bossendon Wood, Battle of - 8/22/2012
Bowel-cleansing - 7/17/2012
Brahe, Tycho - 7/11/2012
Brahe, Tycho (Astronomer) - 11/3/2012
Branch-Davidians, The - 2/5/2012, 4/19/2012, 8/6/2012
Branham, William (Premillenialist and Faith-Healer) - 12/24/2011
British Israelite movement - 8/20/2012
Brothers and Sisters of the Red Death, The - 11/13/2012
Brothers, Richard (London preacher) - 6/4/2012
Brown, Chester (Graphic novelist) - 11/16/2012
Bruce, James (Scottish explorer) - 12/14/2012
Bugarach, French mountain and site of alien arrival - 4/24/2012
Bull, John (17th-century Londoner) - 7/14/2012
Bull, Sitting - 12/15/2012
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The - 6/1/2012
Bullinger, Heinrich (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/17/2012
Bunyan, John (Writer), Apocalyptic views of - 11/8/2012
Burgurach (French village, reputed alien activity site) - 12/9/2012
Burnet, Rev. (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/27/2012
Bush, George W. - 7/31/2012
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Cage, Nicholas (Actor) - 10/20/2012
Cameron, Kirk (Actor) - 9/29/2012, 10/20/2012
Campanella, Tommaso (17th-century Dominican astrologer) - 5/21/2012
Campi Felgrei (Volcano) - 8/8/2012
Camping, Harold (Apocalypse theorist) - 3/7/2012, 5/21/2012, 9/28/2012, 10/21/2012
Cantelon, Willard (Apocalyptic writer) - 11/26/2012
Canticle for Leibowitz, A (Book) - 10/1/2012
Carson, Rachel (Conservationist) - 4/14/2012
Casale, Ubertino da (Spiritual Franciscan) - 6/10/2012
Cayce, Edgar (Seer) - 1/3/2012, 9/30/2012
Cedars of Lebanon Prophecy, The - 12/21/2011
Celano, Thomas of (Monk, musician) - 11/1/2012
Charlemagne (First Holy Roman Emperor) - 12/25/2011
Charles I (English king) - 1/30/2012
Charles II of (English king) - 7/25/2012
Charles VII (French king) - 5/30/2012
Charles VIII (French king) - 5/24/2012
Chase, Neil - 8/10/2012
Chaucer, Geoffrey (Poet) - 6/15/2012
Chen, Hoh-Ming (Christian-Buddhist apocalypticist) - 3/31/2012
Chilembwe, John (Malawian prophet) - 2/3/2012
China, Contemporary doomsday rumors in - 12/18/2012
Chronographai (Book - see Africanus, Sextus Julius) - 2/23/2012
Chronological, Certain, and Irrefutable Proof, from the Holy Scripture and Fathers, that the World Will Perish and the Last Day Will Come Within 77 Years (Book - See Raimarus, Nicholas) - 7/11/2012
Church of the SubGenius, The - 7/5/2012
Church Universal and Triumphant, The - 10/15/2012
Church, J.R. (Contemporary Christian apocalypticist) - 3/22/2012
Clarke, Arthur C. (Novelist) - 12/16/2012
Clement VI (Pope) - 6/13/2012
Cloisters, The (Medieval art museum, New York) - 5/27/2012b
Coast to Coast AM (Radio Program) - 12/20/2012
Collapse (Film) - 10/9/2012
Columbus, Christopher (Explorer and apocalypticist) - 5/20/2012
Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty, The (Book) - 6/18/2012
Commentary on the Apocalypse (Book - see Beatus of Liebana) - 2/19/2012
Commentary on the Apocalypse (Book - see Tyconius) - 2/29/2012
Concerned Christians (apocalyptic anti-cult group) - 1/3/2012
Coney Island - 5/25/2012
Confirming Worke of Religion, The (Book - see Fleming, Charles) - 7/25/2012
Constantine the Great (Roman Emperor) - 6/26/2012, 10/28/2012
Cook, David (Journalist) - 8/2/2012
Cooper, William (American militia movement) - 11/6/2012
Cotton, John (American Puritan) - 12/23/2011
Couedon, Henriette (Seeress) - 10/12/2012
Crème, Benjamin (Scottish mystic) - 6/21/2012, 12/15/2012
Crescentii Family, The - 8/15/2012
Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event, The - 6/6/2012
Criswell Predicts (Book) - 8/18/2012
Criswell, Charles the Amazing - 8/18/2012
Cromwell, Oliver (17th-century English politician) - 1/30/2012
Crowdy, William Sanders (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/10/2012
Crowley, Aleister - 4/8/2012, 8/23/2012
Crown Heights, Brooklyn - 9/9/2012
Crusade, 1st - 10/18/2012, 7/15/2012
Crusade, 1st, Pogroms in the - 5/10/2012
Crusade, 4th- 7/15/2012
Crusade, 6th - 12/13/2012
Cyrus the Great of Persia - 3/16/2012
Czolgosz, Leon (Presidential assassin) - 7/27/2012
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d'Ailly, Cardinal Pierre - 8/9/2012
Dajjal, the (Islamic antichrist equiavalent) - 1/1/2012, 4/19/2012, 8/2/2012
Daniel, Book of - 6/1/2012, 6/26/2012, 8/11/2012, 4/18/2012, 10/8/2012
Darby, John Nelson (Apocalypticist) - 8/23/2012, 1/25/2012, 4/29/2012, 9/20/2012
Dari, Moses a- - 5/10/2012
Darwin, Charles (19th-century English biologist) - 2/14/2012
Davidians - 10/22/2012
Davidson, David (British Israelite) - 8/20/2012
Davies, Eleanor (Seer) - 7/26/2012
Day of Doom, or a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgment - a Doggerel Epitome of Calvinistic Theology, The (Poem) - 6/10/2012
Day the Dollar Dies, The (Book) - 11/26/2012
Daystar (Broadcasting company) - 10/3/2012
De Papa (Book - see Wycliffe, Jean) - 12/31/2011
Deal, Colin (prophet) - 5/14/2012
Deep Impact (Film) - 5/8/2012
Defoe, Daniel (Author) - 3/25/2012
Denton, John (Texas preacher) - 5/22/2012
Dies Irae (Poem, song) - 11/1/2012
Dilks, John (Apocalyptic preacher) - 8/21/2012
Diogennet, Jean-Baptists - 8/12/2012
Dispensationalism, Doctrine of - 3/2/2012, 4/29/2012, 8/23/2012
Disraeli, Benjamin (British Prime Minister, author) - 5/12/2012
Divine, Rev. Major Jealous (Apocalyptic preacher) - 9/10/2012
Dobbs, Bob (see Church of the SubGenius) - 7/5/2012
Dobbs, Francis (British M.P.) - 7/2/2012
Dolcino, Fra (Spiritual Franciscan) - 5/23/2012
Domesday Book, The - 5/3/2012
Dominionism (Christian theology) - 2/1/2012
Domitian (Roman Emperor) - 9/18/2012
Doomday Preppers (Television program) - 12/19/2012
Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - 6/1/2012
Doughton, Russell (Apocalyptic filmmaker) - 11/24/2012
Drexler, Eric (Futurist) - 4/9/2012
Dreyfus Affair, The - 10/12/2012
Drosnin, Michael (Bible Code author) - 5/28/2012
Drumont, Edouard (French Anti-Semite) - 10/12/2012
Dulcinians, The (See Dolcino, Fra) - 5/23/2012
Durer, Albrech (16th-century German graphic designer) - 4/6/2012
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Earth Abides (Book) - 11/5/2012
Earth Day celebration - 8/17/2012
Earthquake in New York, 1997 - 4/19/2012
Earthquake in San Francisco, 1906 - 4/18/2012
Eby, Dr. Richard (Apocalypticist) - 12/2/2012
Edwards, Jonathan (18th-century Puritan evangelist) - 3/22/2012
Edwards, Morgan (Baptist apocalypticist) - 1/25/2012
Egyptian Prophet, The (Late second-temple period messianic claimant) - 1/17/2012
Ehrlich, Paul R. (Population biologist) - 6/29/2012
Elijah, 1792 appearance in France of - 11/4/2012
Eliot, George (Novelist) - 12/22/2011
Elizabeth I, Queen - 6/22/2012
Elohim City, Oklahoma (Separatist settment) - 5/29/2012
Emmerich, Roland (Filmmaker) - 11/13/2012
End of Days, The (Book) - 4/5/2012
End of the World as We Know It (Book) - 3/28/2012
End of the World by Science, The (Book) - 9/26/2012
End Times (Book - see Smith, Chuck) - 12/31/2011
English Civil War, The - 7/25/2012
Epp, Jr., Class (19th-century Russian Mennonite preacher) - 3/8/2012
Eru, Dr. Dale Sumbur (Contemporary Christian apocalypticist) - 3/22/2012
Essay on the Principe of Population (Book - see Malthus, Thomas) - 2/14/2012
Evidences for the Coming of the Lord (Book) - 8/30/2012
Exposition of Revelation, The (Book) - 3/30/2012
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Falwell, Jerry (20th-century evangelical apocalypticist) - 1/14/2012, 8/7/2012
Family Radio - 10/21/2012
Fard, Wallace (see Nation of Islam) - 2/26/2012
Farnham, Richard (17th-century Londoner) - 7/14/2012
Farrakhan, Louis - 8/2/2012
Fart Cat (Video game) - 10/6/2012
Ferrer, St. Vincent (15th-century Dominican friar) - 4/5/2012
Fiction, Apocalyptic (List) - 8/27/2012
Fifteen Signs of Doomsday, The (Medieval manuscript) - 9/30/2012
Fifteen Years of Failed Prophecy: Coping with Cognitive Dissonance in a Baha'i Sect (Article) - 8/10/2012
Fifth Century, end-of-world fears in the - 7/19/2012
Fin d'un Monde, La (Book) - 10/12/2012
Fiore, Joachim of (key medieval apocalypticist) - 3/30/2012, 3/4/2012, 5/23/2012, 5/30/2012
First World War, The - 6/28/2012
Fisher, Bobby (Chess player) - 1/7/2012
Flammarion, Camille (Physicist) - 12/17/2012
Fleming, Robert (17th-Century Scottist Presbyterian Minister) - 7/25/2012
Fleury, Abbo of (French monk) - 11/13/2012
Florida, Antichrist attack in (July 2012) - 7/24/2012
Flying Saucers (as sent from god) - 3/31/2012
Fourier, Charles (Utopian socialist) - 11/17/2012
Fox, George (Writer), Apocalyptic views of - 11/8/2012
Franken, Al (Comedian and US Senator) - 8/7/2012
Frankenhausen, Battle of - 5/27/2012a
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke - 6/28/2012
Frashokereti - 9/5/2012
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (Rumored Antichrist) - 12/13/2012
French Revolution The - 8/9/2012, 2/6/2012, 9/1/2012
Fresh Air (Radio program) - 3/7/2012
Friday the 13th - 7/13/2012
Fundamentalists Anonymous - 12/3/2012
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Galactic Center, Alignment with the - 11/21/2012
Gematria (Kabbalistic numerology) - 6/9/2012
Genseric (Vandal king) - 1/25/2012, 7/19/2012
Ghost Dance Movement - 12/15/2012
Gibbons, Billy (Musician, ZZ Top) - 12/20/2012
Glaber, Rodolfus (10th-century monk and historian) - 1/1/2012
Global Warming - 2/12/2012
God's Salvation Church - 3/31/2012
Gog and Magog - 7/19/2012, 8/2/2012
Good Friday - 4/6/2012
Goodman, Jeffrey (Apocalyptic writer) - 5/5/2012
Gospel of a Poor Sinner (Book) - 9/15/2012
Gosse, Phillip Henry (Apocalyptic geologist) - 8/23/2012
Gower, John (poet) - 6/15/2012
Grace Communion International (see Worldwide Church of God) - 1/7/2012
Great Earthquake, The (Book) - 4/19/2012
Great Disappointment, The - 3/21/2012, 7/20/2012, 10/22/2012
Great Hurricane of 1780 - 10/11/2012
Great Pyramid, Its Divine Message, The (Book) - 8/20/2012
Great Sphinx, the - 1/3/2012
Gregory I (Pope) - 3/12/2012
Gregory IX, Pope - 12/13/2012
Gregory of Tours - 11/17/2012
Grey Goo Scenario - 4/9/2012
Greys, The (Alien race: also see Zeta Reticulans) - 5/28/2012
Gribbin, John (Science writer) - 3/11/2012
Guiteau, Charles (Presidential assassin) - 7/27/2012
Gulf War, The - 8/2/2012
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Hackett, William (Messianic claimant and nose-eater) - 7/26/2012
Hale-Bopp comet - 3/26/2012
Halley's Comet - 8/10/2012
Hamlisch, Marvin (Composer) - 8/7/2012
Handbook in Tribulation (Book) - 6/13/2012
Hare Krishna movement - 11/15/2012
Harmonic Convergence, The - 8/17/2012
Hawkins, Yedidiyah (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/25/2012
Hawkins, Yisrael (Buffalo Bill, apocalyptic preacher) - 10/25/2012
Heat Death of the Universe - 12/17/2012
Heaven's Gate (Cult) - 3/26/2012
Herod Archelaus (Roman civil administrator) - 3/13/2012
Herod the Great (Roman civil administrator) - 3/13/2012
Heron, Gil-Scott (Poet) - 10/3/2012
Herzl, Theodor (Zionist) - 8/29/2012, 10/12/2012
Hinkle, John (Christian broadcaster) - 6/9/2012
Hippolytus of Rome - 8/13/2012
History of the Franks (Historical book) - 11/17/2012
Hitchcock, Mark (Contemporary Christian apocalypticist) - 12/12/2012
Holocene extinction event, The - 1/1/2012, 10/5/2012
Holy Sephulchre, Church of the - 10/18/2012
Hopi, the - 12/2/2012
Hour of the Time and Mystery Babylon (Radio program) - 11/6/2012
Hour of Translation: A Declaration from the Word of God Proving from the State of Things Amongst Men that the Translation of the Redeemed of Earth Composing the True Church of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, is Immediately Imminent, The (Book) - 6/12/2012
House of Yahweh (Christian group) - 10/25/2012
Houteff, Victor (Seventh-Day Adventist leader) - 2/5/2012
Howe, Julia Ward (Poet) - 7/4/2012
Huffington, Ariana (Political commentator) - 1/19/2012
Hundred Years' War, The - 5/30/2012
Hus, Jan (15th-centruy Czech religious dissident) - 7/6/2012
Hussein, Saddam - 3/28/2012, 8/2/2012
Hussite Wars, The - 6/8/2012
Hussites, The (See Hus, Jan) - 5/30/2012, 7/6/2012
Hut, Hans (Anabaptist preacher) - 12/6/2012
Huzar, Eugene (Environmental writer) - 9/26/2012
Hyoo-Go (AKA "Rapture") - 10/28/2012
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I am Legend (Novel) - 3/8/2012
I Wish We'd All Been Ready (Song) - 11/24/2012
Ice, Thomas (Contemporary Christian apocalypticist) - 12/12/2012
Ice: The Ultimate Disaster (Book) - 5/5/2012
Ig Nobel Prize, The - 9/2/2012, 10/15/2012
Impe, Rev. Jack van - 9/2/2012
Influenza Pandemic of 1918-20 - 12/1/2012
Inherit the Wind (Play, film) - 10/23/2012
Internet Apocalypse, The - 5/17/2012
Iraq War as apocalyptic portent - 7/31/2012
Ireland, Apocalypse as caused by unification with England and - 7/2/2012
Irenaeus (Church Father) - 6/28/2012
Israel, foundation of - 5/14/2012
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Jansenists, The (Catholic movement) - 5/6/2012
Jealous Divine, Reverand Major (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/10/2012
Jehoiachin (Jewish king) - 3/16/2012
Jehovah's Witnesses, The - 1/8/2012, 6/28/2012, 8/30/2012, 10/22/2012, 11/12/2012
Jenkins, Jerry (Apocalyptic writer) - 9/29/2012, 11/24/2012
Jensen, Dr. Leland - 8/10/2012
Jerome, St. - 9/30/2012
Jesuits, The (Catholic movement) - 5/6/2012
Jesus is Coming (Pamphlet - see Blackstone, William Eugene) - 3/5/2012
Jesus of Nazareth (Late second-temple period messianic claimant) - 3/13/2012
Jews for Jesus - 3/28/2012
Jews' Jubilee, The (Book - see Fleming, Charles) - 7/25/2012
John of Patmos (Writer) - 9/18/2012
John of Toledo (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/23/2012
John XXIII (Pope) - 6/3/2012
Johnson, Stan (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/12/2012
Jonathan the Weaver (Late second-Temple period messianic claimant) - 2/4/2012
Jones, Jim (Religious leader) - 11/18/2012
Jonestown, Guyana - 11/18/2012
Jose the Galilean (Late second-temple-period messianic claimant) - 2/10/2012
Josephus (1st-century historian) - 1/24/2012, 1/6/2012
Jouret, Luc (Religious leader) - 10/4/2012
Joy, Bill (Sun Microsystems chief scientist) - 4/9/2012
Judah, Monte (Hebrew Baptist minister) - 5/14/2012
Judas the Galilean (Late second-temple-period messianic claimant) - 1/24/2012
Judas the Galilean (Late second-temple period messianic claimant) - 1/6/2012
Judas, son of Hezekiah (Late second-temple period messianic claimant) - 3/13/2012
Jupiter Effect, The - 3/11/2012
Jurieu, Pierre (17th-century apocalypticist) - 3/25/2012
Justin Martyr (Church Father) - 6/1/2012
Justinian (Byzantine Emperor) - 11/14/2012
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Kali Yuga, The (Hindu last age) - 3/30/2012, 11/15/2012
Keillor, Garrison (Radio presenter) - 8/23/2012
Kelvin, Lord (Physicist) - 12/17/2012
Kepler, Johannes (Astronomer) - 11/3/2012
Kirban, Salem (Evangelist) - 7/17/2012
Kittens - 6/23/2012, 6/25/2012, 6/26/2012, 6/28/2012, 6/29/2012, 6/27/2012, 6/30/2012
Kluttz, Jeff (Apocalyptic writer) - 3/4/2012
Koch, Klaus (Theologian) - 10/4/2012
Kook, Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda - 7/29/2012
Koresh, David (AKA Vernon Howell) - 4/19/2012
Kurzeil, Ray (Futurist) - 2/12/2012
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Lacunza, Manuel (Jesuit missionary) - 6/18/2012
LaHaye, Tim (Apocalyptic writer) - 9/29/2012, 11/24/2012
Large Hadron Collider - 9/10/2012
Last Man on Earth, The (Film) - 3/8/2012
Last Myth, The (Book) - 4/22/2012, 5/9/2012
Last World Emperor, Concept of the - 5/30/2012, 7/15/2012, 7/9/2012
Late Great Planet Earth, The (Book - see Lindsey, Hal) - 3/23/2012
Lavater, Johann kasper (Swiss poet and physiognomist) - 1/2/2012
Lee, Ann (Religious leader) - 9/8/2012
Left Behind (Book and film series) - 9/29/2012, 11/24/2012, 12/12/2012, 10/20/2012
Leiden, Jan van (Anabaptist terrorist and messianic claimant) - 1/22/2012
Letter on the Origin and Time of the Antichrist, The (Book) - 4/16/2012
Levi, Eliphas (Occultist) - 5/31/2012, 4/8/2012
Lewis, C.S. - 11/22/2012
Libya, nuclear terrorism from - 6/3/2012
Lieder, Nancy (prophet) - 5/28/2012
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (Book) - 8/7/2012
Lindsey, Hal (Contemporary Christian apocalypticist) - 3/23/2012, 12/7/2012, 12/31/2011, 5/14/2012
Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 - 11/1/2012
Liszt, Franz (Composer) - 11/1/2012
Little Book of Arithmetic on the Antichrist, A (Book) - 10/19/2012
London Fire of 1666 - 9/6/2012
Lost in Space (TV Program) - 12/20/2012
Lott, Clyde (Apocalyptic cattleman) - 8/1/2012
Louis XIV (French king) - 2/25/2012
Louisiana, Grade schools in - 8/19/2012
Luther, Martin - 5/27/2012a
Luther, Martin (Religious reformer, rumored Antichrist) - 10/19/2012, 10/31/2012, 11/11/2012
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Mad Max (Film) - 4/12/2012
Madhi, The - 8/2/2012
Madhi, the (see Twelfth Imam) - 1/1/2012
Maimonides, Moses - 5/16/2012
Maitreya - 6/21/2012
Maitreya, concept of - 12/15/2012
Mali, Muslim extremists in - 7/3/2012
Malthus, Thomas (18th-century English political economist) - 2/14/2012
Man Who Saw Tomorrow, The (Film - see Nostradamus) - 12/31/2011
Manson, Charles - 11/12/2012
Manson, Marilyn (Musician) - 10/8/2012
Mark of the Beast, The - 3/4/2012
Martial, St. - 4/26/2012
Martin of Tours - 11/8/2012
Maru (Famous internet cat) - 6/28/2012
Mary Magdalene, feast day of - 7/22/2012
Mary Tudor of England - 7/25/2012
Mather, Cotton (Puritan minister) - 4/29/2012
Mather, Increase (Puritan apocalypticist) - 8/23/2012, 4/29/2012
Matheson, Richard (Author) - 3/8/2012
Matthew 16:28 (Bible verse) - 5/14/2012
Matthew, Book of - 3/13/2012
Matthys, Jan (Anabaptist separatist) - 1/22/2012
Maxentius (Roman Emperor) - 10/28/2012
Maximinus Thrax (Roman Emperor) - 8/13/2012
Mayan Apocalypse, Financial advice for - 4/13/2012
Mayan Long-Count Calendar - 12/21/2011, 3/15/2012, 5/11/2012, 5/28/2012, 7/8/2012, 8/17/2012, 9/14/2012, 11/21/2012, 12/19/2012, 12/20/2012
McGinn, Bernard (Apocalypse scholar) - 6/24/2012
McKenna, Terence (Psychedelics researcher) - 11/16/2012
McVeigh, Timothy - 4/19/2012, 5/29/2012
Meat-eating, survivalistic techniques - 8/5/2012
Medici, The (Renaissance family) - 5/24/2012
Megiddo, Battle of - 9/19/2012
Menahem (Late second-temple-period messianic claimant) - 1/24/2012
Mendieta, Geronimo de (Franciscan missionary) - 7/9/2012
Mercury, Freddy (Musician) - 9/5/2012
Miceli, Bincent (Jesuit apocalypticist) - 11/28/2012
Millar, Robert (White supremacist/apocalypticist) - 5/29/2012
Miller, George (Film director) - 4/12/2012
Miller, Jr., Walter (Writer) - 10/1/2012
Miller, Monte Kim (minister) - 1/3/2012
Miller, William - 7/20/2012
Miller, William (Apocalypse theorist) - 3/21/2012,10/22/2012, 4/18/2012
Millerites (Apocalyptic movement) - 3/21/2012
Million Man March - 10/16/2012
Milton, John (Poet), Apocalyptic views of - 1/30/2012, 11/8/2012
Milvian Bridge, Battle of - 10/28/2012
Mirror of the Simple Soul (Book) - 6/1/2012
Mission for the Coming Days (Korean evangelical group) - 10/28/2012
Missy (cow) - 8/1/2012
Mohammed (Prophet) - 6/8/2012
Mongols, The - 12/21/2011
Montanus (Early-Christian prophet) - 4/7/2012
Moody, Dwight (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/20/2012
Moon, Rev. Sun Myung (Evangelist) - 9/3/2012, 3/23/2012
Moses of Crete (Messianic claimant) - 4/3/2012
Moss, Miles (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/10/2012
Mother Shipton - 9/25/2012
Mount Carmel Ministries (see Branch Davidians) - 2/5/2012
Mt. St. Helens - 5/18/2012
Muggleton, Lodowicke (17th-century English prophet) - 3/14/2012
Muggletonians, The - 3/14/2012
Muhammad, Elijah (See Nation of Islam) - 10/16/2012, 2/26/2012
Muhammad, Tynetta - 10/16/2012
Munster, Anabaptist revolt in - 1/22/2012
Muntzer, Thomas (Anabaptist) - 5/27/2012a
Mussolini (Rumored Antichrist) - 11/2/2012
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Nanomachines - 4/9/2012
Napier, John (Mathematician) - 4/4/2012
Napoleon (Rumored Antichrist) - 12/2/2012
NASA - 3/15/2012, 11/21/2012
Nation of Islam, The - 2/26/2012, 10/16/2012
Nazis, American - 11/29/2012
Nebuchadnezzar (Babylonian king) - 3/16/2012, 6/26/2012
Nelson, Kirk (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/30/2012
Nemesis (mythical planet) - 7/18/2012
Nena (German singer) - 1/19/2012
Nephilim, the - 12/14/2012
Nero (Roman Emperor) - 6/9/2012
New Jerusalem, Concept of - 4/7/2012, 5/24/2012
New Money System: The 666 System is Here, The (Book) - 11/26/2012
Newman, Cardinal John Henry - 8/31/2012
Newton, Issac (Physicist), Apocalyptic views of - 11/8/2012
Newton, Sir Isaac (Bible scholar) - 3/20/2012
Nibiru (Mythical planet - See Planet X) - 7/18/2012
Nicholas of Cusa - 8/11/2012
Nidle, Sheldon - 12/17/2012
Nilius, Sergei (Anti-Semitic propagandist) - 1/29/2012
Nine Billion Names of God, The (Short Story) - 12/16/2012
Nodrog (AKA Oliver Gordon) - 9/4/2012
Nongaqawuse (19th-century Xhosa prophet) - 2/18/2012
Noone, Richard (Apocalyptic writer) - 5/5/2012
Norman, Larry (Musician) - 11/24/2012
Nostradamus (French prophet) - 12/25/2011, 12/31/2011, 1/20/2012, 8/11/2012
Novalis (Poet, author) - 3/25/2012
Numbers Book of - 8/1/2012
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Obama, Barack (Rumored Antichrist) - 1/20/2012, 11/6/2012
Occultation (see Twelfth Imam) - 1/1/2012
Old Moore's Almanac (Periodical) - 8/31/2012
Olivi, Peter John (13th-century mystic) - 3/14/2012
Omen, The (Film) - 6/25/2012, 6/6/2012
On Christ and Antichrist (Book) - 8/13/2012
On the Beach (Film) - 12/17/2012
On the Coming of Christ (Book - see Fleming, Charles) - 7/25/2012
On the Ende of This World and the Second Coming of Christ: A Comfortable and Most Necessarie Discourse for These Miserable and Dangerous Dayes (Elizabethan pamphlet) - 6/22/2012
On the State of the Dead and of the Resurrection (Book) - 9/27/2012
Oneida Community, The - 7/27/2012
Oppenheimer, Robert - 7/16/2012
Order of the Solar Temple, The - 10/4/2012
Origin of Satan, The (Book - see Pagels, Elaine) - 3/7/2012
Osho (See Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree) - 1/19/2012
Oslo I Peace Accords - 9/13/2012
Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor - 8/15/2012
Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (Book - see Smyth, Piazzi) - 2/21/2012
Outer Dimensional Forces, The - 9/4/2012
Owen, Robert (Utopian socialist) - 11/17/2012
Ozman, Agnes (Pentacostalism progenitor) - 1/1/2012
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Pacific Gas and Electric (Band) - 8/16/2012
Pagels, Elaine (Apocalyptic scholar) - 3/7/2012, 8/8/2012
Palestine, fifth-century eathquake in - 7/19/2012
Pankhurst, Dame Christabel (British apocalypticist) - 11/2/2012
Papal Schism, The - 6/13/2012
Parker, Thomas (Apocalyptic preacher) - 9/26/2012
Parousia (AKA second coming) - 4/18/2012
Pentacostalism - 5/13/2012
Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, The - 10/5/2012
Peter Bartholomew (Crusader) - 7/15/2012
Peter the Hermit (Crusader) - 7/15/2012
Phillip II (English king) - 7/25/2012
Phillip II (Spanish king) - 7/9/2012
Phillips, Kevin (Author) - 7/31/2012
Pius VII, Pope - 12/2/2012
Plagemann, Stephen (NASA scientist) - 3/11/2012
Planet Earth 2000 A.D. (Book - see Lindsey, Hal) - 3/23/2012
Planet X (See Nibiru)- 5/28/2012, 7/18/2012, 7/5/2012
Plater, Felix (16th-century Swiss physician) - 7/22/2012
Plymouth Bretheren - 8/23/2012
Pogroms, medieval - 7/15/2012
Poiters, St. Hilary of - 1/13/2012
Population Bomb, The (Book) - 6/29/2012
Porete, Marguerite (Beguine nun) - 6/1/2012
Premillenialism, Doctrine of - 1/25/2012, 4/29/2012
Price, Vincent (Actor) - 3/8/2012
Priestley, Joseph (18th-century English chemist) - 2/6/2012, 9/1/2012
Prince (Musician) - 9/24/2012
Procopius (Byzantine historian) - 11/14/2012
Proper Exposition of the Aspects of the Book of Revelation (Book) - 5/4/2012
Propher, Elizabeth Clare - 10/15/2012
Protocosls of the Elders of Zion (Book - see Nilius, Sergei) - 1/29/2012
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Rabin, Yitzhak - 9/13/2012
Rabin, Yitzhak (Israeli Prime Minister) - 2/24/2012
Raelians, The - 4/24/2012
Ragnarok - 9/22/2012
Raimarus, Nicholas The Bear (Danish astronomer) - 7/11/2012
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree (Cult leader) - 1/19/2012
Ramtha - 4/24/2012
Rapture Alert Newsletter, The - 7/17/2012
Rapture, concept of the - 1/25/2012, 4/29/2012
Raptured (Book) - 8/9/2012 - 9/7/2012
Reagan, Ronald (US President) - 6/5/2012
Red Dragon of the Book of Revelation, The - 3/4/2012, 4/29/2012
Red Heifer, The - 8/1/2012
Rediscovery of Apocalyptic, The (Book) - 10/4/2012
Reid, Robert (Apocalyptic preacher) - 10/26/2012
Relfe, Mary Stewart (Apocalyptic writer) - 11/26/2012
Religious Totalism, Exemplary Dualism, and the Waco Tragedy (Essay) - 10/20/2012
Resurrection, public demonstration of - 3/25/2012
Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events (Book - see Kluttz, Jeff) - 3/4/2012
Revelation, Book of - 4/29/2012, 5/24/2012, 8/24/2012, 8/28/2012, 9/18/2012
Revelations (Book - see Pagels, Elaine) - 3/7/2012, 8/8/2012
Richard II (King) - 6/15/2012
Richman, Chaim - 8/1/2012
Riel, Louis (Canadian MP) - 11/16/2012
Riley, F.M. (pastor) - 7/18/2012
Road Map to Peace (1993 treaty) - 2/24/2012
Robertson, Pat (Contemporary Christian apocalypticist) - 3/22/2012
Roden, George, Resurrection contest with (see Koresh, David and Branch-Davidians, The) - 4/19/2012
Romola (Book - see Eliot, George, and Savonarola) - 12/22/2011
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (American president) - 3/4/2012
Roquetaillade, Jean de (Alchemist, Spiritual Franciscan) - 6/13/2012
Rosenroth, Christian Knorr von (Kabbalist) - 5/4/2012
Rosicrucianism (Mystical movement) - 5/4/2012
Rubenstein, Jay (Historian) - 10/18/2012
Rudolph II (Holy Roman Emperor, rumored Antichrist) - 11/17/2012
Ruppert, Michael (Doomsday theorist) - 10/9/2012
Rupture, The (See Church of the SubGenius)- 7/5/2012
Russell, C.T. (Apocalyptic theorist) - 1/8/2012, 8/30/2012, 10/22/2012
Russia, Contemporary Doomsday rumors in - 12/4/2012
Rutherford, Joseph Franklin (Jehovah's Witnesses founder) - 1/8/2012
Ryrie, Charles Caldwell (Christian theologian) - 3/2/2012
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Sacred Theory of the Earth (Book) - 9/27/2012
Saint-Simon, Comte (English apocalyptic socialite) - 6/23/2012, 5/19/2012
Saladin (12th-century Muslim general) - 3/4/2012
Salomon, Gerson (Zionist) - 7/29/2012
Sand, George (Novelist, AKA Amantine Dupin) - 6/8/2012
Sandys, Edwin (Elizabethan Archbishop) - 7/7/2012
Sarducci, Father Guido (AKA Don Novello. See also Toth, Laszlo) - 5/21/2012
Savonarola (15th-century Dominican friar) - 12/22/2011, 5/24/2012
Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friederich (Historian) - 1/12/2012
Schneerson, Rebbe Menachem (Messianic claimant) - 9/9/2012
Scientific American (Magazine) - 7/8/2012
Second Coming, Inc. - 7/17/2012
Secret History, The (Historical book) - 11/14/2012
Sedgwick, William Doomsday (English Puritan minister) - 7/23/2012
Seljuk Turks, The - 5/12/2012
Seltzer, David (Writer) - 6/6/2012
Septimus Severus (Roman Emperor) - 8/13/2012
Serling, Rod (Writer, TV producer) - 11/20/2012
Sermon of the Wolf to the English - 8/3/2012
Seventh-Day Adventism - 2/5/2012, 3/21/2012, 4/18/2012, 7/20/2012, 4/19/2012
Seymour, William (Pentacostalism founder) - 1/1/2012
Shakers, The (See United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Coming) - 9/8/2012
Share International - 6/21/2012
Shining, The (Film) - 11/1/2012
Shmaus, Michael (Theologian) - 12/8/2012
Shoemaker-Levy 9 (comet) - 7/18/2012
Silent Spring (Book) - 4/14/2012
Simon Bar Hochba uprising - 7/28/2012
Simon of Peraea (Second-temple period messianic claimant) - 3/13/2012
Singlarity, The - 2/12/2012
Slayer (musical group) - 6/6/2012
Smith, Chuck (apocalyptic minister) - 12/31/2011
Smith, Joseph (Mormonism founder) - 6/27/2012
Smithsonian (Periodical) - 8/8/2012
Smyth, Piazzi (19th-century Scottish astronomer) - 2/21/2012
Snow, Samuel (Apocalypse theorist) - 10/22/2012
Snyder, Tom (TV presenter) - 11/12/2012
Solomon's Temple - 3/16/2012
Southcott, Joanna (19th-century English prophet) - 3/12/2012
Spaceships, 16 Million - 12/17/2012
Spangler, Lee (congregation-fleeing prophet) - 12/27/2011
Spiegel, Charles (Unarian movement founder) - 12/22/2011
Spiritual Franciscans, The - 3/14/2012, 3/30/2012, 5/23/2012
Spofford, Mrs. (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/19/2012
Sports Illustrated (Periodical) - 10/6/2012
Stamp, Terence (Actor) - 1/19/2012
Stanhope, Lady Hester (English orientalist) - 6/23/2012, 5/19/2012
Steiner, Rudolph (Anthroposphist) - 3/30/2012
Stewart, George R. (Writer) - 11/5/2012
Stifel, Michael (Apocalypse theorist) - 10/19/2012
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (Author) - 6/30/2012
Sufi, the - 7/3/2012
Sukyo Mahikari (Japanese religious movement) - 6/23/2012
Supernova SN1006 - 5/1/2012
Supernova SN1572 - 11/3/2012
Supervolcanoes - 5/18/2012, 8/8/2012
Swedenborg, Emanuel (18th-century thologian) - 3/29/2012
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Taborites, The (see Hussites) - 5/30/2012
Tacitus (Roman historian) - 6/9/2012
Taze Russell, Charles (Prophet) - 6/28/2012
Teed, Cyrus Reed (Floridian messiah) - 12/22/2011
Temple Institute, The - 8/1/2012
Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement - 7/29/2012, 8/1/2012
Temple Mount, The - 7/29/2012, 7/28/2012
Tertullian (Chrurch father) - 4/7/2012
The Present State of Europe Compared with Ancient Prophecies (Book - see Priestley, Joseph) - 2/6/2012
Théot, Catherine - 9/1/2012
Thessalonians 1, 4:16 (Bible verse) - 4/29/2012
Thessalonians, Book of - 1/25/2012
Theudas (Messianic claimant) - 1/11/2012
Thief in the Night, A (Film) - 11/24/2012
Thom, John Nichols (Messianic claimant) - 8/22/2012
Thompson, Donald (Apocalyptic filmmaker) - 11/24/2012
Tisha B'Av - 7/28/2012
Toth, Laszlo (Vandal) - 5/21/2012
Traitors (Christian renunciators) - 2/29/2012
Tree of the Crucified Life of Jesus (Book) - 6/10/2012
Tribulation, The - 12/31/2011, 2/14/2012, 2/24/2012, 3/22/2012, 4/29/2012, 5/14/2012, 5/21/2012, 6/12/2012, 6/13/2012, 7/14/2012, 8/10/2012, 8/28/2012, 8/6/2012, 9/12/2012, 11/24/2012
Trinity Broadcasting Network - 6/9/2012, 10/3/2012
Trinity nuclear test, 1945 - 7/16/2012
True Light Church of Christ, The - 11/25/2012
Twelfth Imam (see Madhi, the) - 1/1/2012
Twilight Zone, The (TV Program) - 11/20/2012
Two Witnesses from Book of Revelation - 3/14/2012, 7/14/2012, 4/17/2012
Tyconius (Christian Donatist) - 2/29/2012
Tyler, Wat (English revolutionary) - 6/15/2012
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UFOs - 12/22/2011
UFOs, papal sightings of - 6/3/2012
Unarian Movement - 12/22/2011
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Book) - 6/30/2012
Unification Church, The - 3/23/2012
Union Oil Company, The - 3/5/2012
United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Coming (see Shakers) - 9/8/2012
Universal History (book - see Schlegel, Karl Wilhem Friederich) - 1/12/2012
Urban II (Pope) - 7/15/2012
Ussher, James (Biblical scholar) - 10/23/2012
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Vandals, The - 7/19/2012
Velikovsky, Immanuel - 7/18/2012
Vesuvius - 8/8/2012
Vesuvius, eruption of - 8/24/2012
Vienna, Battle of - 9/12/2012
Visigoths - 7/19/2012
Vissarion (Russian mystic) - 8/18/2012
Von Dem Letzten Dingen (Book) - 12/8/2012
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Waco Disaster, The (See Branch-Davidians) - 4/19/2012
Wagner, Richard (Composer) - 9/22/2012
Wallace, Alfred Russell (19th-century English biologist) - 2/14/2012
War of the Worlds (Radio broadcast) - 10/30/2012
Ward, "Zion" John (19th-century English prophet) - 3/12/2012
Ware, Arthur E. (Apocalypticist) - 6/12/2012
Washington Times, The (Newspaper) - 3/23/2012
Watch Tower Society, The - 1/8/2012, 8/30/2012, 6/28/2012
Watchtower, The (Magazine) - 4/23/2012
Waters, Frank (Anthropologist) - 12/2/2012
Watt, James (US Secretary of the Interior) - 2/1/2012
We Are The Earthquake Generation (Book) - 5/5/2012
Weber, Eugen (Apocalypse scholar) - 8/31/2012, 8/12/2012, 12/3/2012
Weekly Evangel, The - 5/13/2012
Weitling, William (Socialist) - 9/15/2012
Welles, Orson (Showman) - 12/31/2011, 7/4/2012, 10/30/2012
Wesley, John (proto-Methodist) - 2/28/2012, 3/2/2012
Whisenant, Edgar (Apocalyptic theorist) - 9/11/2012
White, Ellen and James (Millerites, Seventh-Day Adventists) - 7/20/2012
Whole Earth Fetsival, The - 8/17/2012
Whore of Babylon, The - 9/17/2012
Wigglesworth, Michael (17th-century poet) - 6/10/2012
Wightman, Edward (English Anabaptist) - 4/11/2012
Will Christ Return by 1988? 101 Reasons Why (Book) - 5/14/2012
William the Conqueror (English king) - 5/3/2012
William V, Duke of Acquitaine - 1/31/2012
Wingate, Orde Charles (Zionist) - 8/23/2012
Wired Periodical - 11/27/2012
Wojcik, Daniel (Apocalypse scholar) - 3/28/2012
World Zionist Organization, The - 10/12/2012
Worlds in Collision (see Velikovsky, Immanuel) - 7/18/2012
World's Last Night, The (Essay: See Lewis, C.S.) - 11/22/2012
Worldwide Church of God (Christian group) - 1/7/2012, 10/25/2012
Wulfistan - 8/3/2012
Wycliffe, Jean (14th-century English radical chuch reformer) - 7/6/2012, 12/31/2011
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X-Files, The (TV program) - 11/16/2012
Xhosa people, The - 2/18/2012
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Y1K - 4/26/2012
Y2K Bug - 1/1/2012
Yeats, William Butler (Poet, occultist) - 1/28/2012
Yemenite Messiah, The - 5/16/2012
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Zakai, Johanan ben (Late second-temple-era Jewish scholar) - 2/7/2012
Zeta Reticulans (See Greys, The) - 5/28/2012
Zevi, Shabbati (Messianic claimant) - 9/17/2012
Zoroastrianism - 9/5/2012
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